My approach to this process was to first brain storm. I began thinking and jotting down words that rhymed. I would only write down the the pairs that I was able to see together in my head. It took a while to think of fifty different rhyming pairs, however it was fun to brainstorm. After I made the list, I started sketching each one of them with not much thought. After we met in class I had to make a decision to narrow it down to two that I wanted to submit as a final version. I chose Goat-Boat (1) and Crown-Frown (2). I did goat boat to be done in a graphic and iconic style using black and white only, and CrownFrown as a collage with color. I chose to do this on theme with a crown to give it realistic features like gold and gem stones but still give it that collage cut and paste feel. This was a very fun process and forced me to get in my creative mind.
Rhyming Pairs


Rhyming Pairs
